Woolala , haven't blog in such a long time, is not like i don't want to share my life with my friends, is just me been LAZY XD . time has gone really fast for 2009, sigh ><. what can i say about 2009, it's the worst year of my life ever !!!! jlafjlsjfhg(*&%*)#... don't wanna talk about it, for those that do know me would know why :(, my baby dog died in 2009, major relationship problems ( always end up to a tragedy), really disrespect to my mother O_o..ahhh i just hope 2010 is the year for me, i always attempt to think that if something bad happened to me, something good will come along right after, but it doesn't always work that way. always had my hopes up , and the next thing you'll know is that your heart went from heaven to hell (>O_o<)..My resolution for 2010 :- School School School !!! get a good OP ^^
- Work harder and save up more $$$$$
- Grow my hair :p
- No more playing around with boys >o<
- Be a better Daughter
That's enough for now, more to come as the time goes hah :) looking pretty forward for rest of the 2010, this year is a big " challenge" for me, for thoes that don't know , i'm actually moving out of home ><><>O<. hopefully i'll meet some awesome people , as i already did meet a few amazing people last couple months ^^ nice meeting you all ^^ i seriously better wrap it up here, my life is just so borning at this stage O_o
I hope everyone had a great new year and here we come 2010 ^^
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